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October 2019 Evaluation Report The Bridge Foundation

In October 2019, a Follow-up Evaluation of the Bridge Foundation Halfway House Transitional Living Programme was conducted by National Drug Council.

A comprehensive evaluation of the Bridge Foundation was conducted and reported on in 2014. In this report, all aspects of the Bridge Foundation’s operation (policies and procedures/standards) and management structure were detailed. The report concluded with the findings at the time of review as well as detailed suggested recommendation for what can be improved to meet regional and internationally accepted standards.

Evaluation plays a key role as a source of evidence on the achievement of planned outcome and impact (results), as well as on project, programme and institutional performance, thus supporting programme improvement and accountability. In addition, evaluation acts as an agent of change that contributes to building knowledge and organizational learning. The value of an evaluation, however, is heavily dependent on the use that is ultimately made of its recommendations, which is determined by:

– its relevance in terms of timing, to ensure that its findings are available to inform key decisions;

– its credibility, which derives from the independence, impartiality, clear methodology and quality of the report;

- the level of acceptance of its recommendations, directly linked to the involvement of internal and external stakeholders and to the quality of the recommendations, which must be implementable;

- the appropriateness of the management response, and the dissemination and use of evaluation findings to enhance organizational knowledge.

Managers and other stakeholders including donors need to know the extent to which their programmes are meeting their objectives and leading to their desired effects. Follow-up evaluations in general builds greater transparency and accountability in terms of use of programme resources while internal follow-up alerts managers to actual and potential ongoing programme weaknesses, problems and shortcomings before it is too late. Future planning and programme development are improved when guided by lessons learned from experience. Successful implemented programmes serve as reference for future applications for funds, and from an overall sense, it avoids that the implemented programmes are forgotten with time.

Read the complete Evaluation below.

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